Understanding and Implementing Universal Carton Drop Test Standards for Packaging Quality Assurance

As more and more goods produced from factory and i met many guys talking about the Carton Drop Test recently. They have different opinions or even disputes about how to perform the way of drop test. Professional QC from clients, factories themselves, and the Thrid Parties may have their own different ways to perform the test.

First of all i would like to say that, it’s necessary to do the Carton Drop Test.
Anyone of us who concerned about product or packaging quality should consider including a carton drop test, in the pre-shipment inspection plan.

And actually there are two most common packaging drop test standards include:
International Safe Transit Association (ISTA): This standard is applicable for packaged-products weighing 150 lb (68 kg) or less
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): This standard is applicable for containers weighing 110 lb (50 kg) or less

But we would like to share here an international packaging drop test standard, that acceptable the most for almost all area and based on the aboved 2 standards.

It’s the ” One Corner, Three Edges, Six Faces” way.
Drop the carton from the height and angle according to the pictures i mentioned below. Continue to rotate the carton and drop it from each side following the sequence mentioned below, until you’ve dropped the carton a total of 10 times.

Do you understand now? And do you think it helpful and would like to share?

Post time: Sep-18-2024